What IT Functions do business organizations outsource the most? image
What IT Functions do business sectors outsource the most?

With the goals of solving specific problems using advanced technology, combined with the objective of staying within budget, many companies from all over the world turn to software outsourcing vendors. More and more businesses are expected to outsource in the near future.

IT outsourcing vendors help businesses achieve a range of tasks in regards to IT functions, including implementing enterprise resource management with an ERP solution, optimize sales activities with Salesforce CRM, modernizing legacy systems as well as migrating data from outdated applications to new ones and many more. The range of functions seems to be endless. In this article, let’s consider in details the 4 most commonly outsourced IT functions at the moment:

Top 4 IT functions outsourced today:

1. Application development

Application development (including web applications development and mobile application development) and enhancement are among the most commonly IT outsourced functions. Many business organizations across the world have contracted third-party software development companies to help them with the tasks of building high-performance level applications for various businesses purposes. This is due to the fact that the cost of on-shore development by hiring local talents is quite high, compared to offshore outsourcing where organizations can achieve the same level of quality at a significantly cheaper cost.

Furthermore, with the advancement of cloud computing technology, it’s more about developers working with tools, rather than managers having to manage every aspect of outsourcing. Today, many businesses are also looking for ways to enhance their existing technology solutions, for instance, migrate existing databases from legacy apps to cloud for mobility, as well as incorporating new functionalities such as advanced analytics into the current systems which require emerging technologies. All in all, this helps improves business capacities and optimize processes while also ensure keeping up with the current trend of IT industry.

2. IT security

Today, IT security is always one of the top priority issues for many enterprises, as hacking activities as well as other cyber-security threats such as ransomware, malware, phishing, etc. placing data and assets of many companies at risks. 
Thus, many companies have placed great importance on data security and outsourced cyber-security activities to software outsourcing companies where teams of experts are qualified and readily available to take on the tasks. 

With a severe shortage of qualified IT security professionals, it’s no doubt cyber-security to remains one of the most popular IT outsourced functions for businesses in the future.

3. Web operations

This is another IT function that is frequently outsourced by large companies. Here, a software outsourcing vendor will be responsible for managing and maintaining a large-scale web application or part of it, or sometimes a whole complex e-commerce solution.

4. Enterprise Systems implementation and integration

Interoperability is critical for enterprise solutions such as CRM and ERP systems - due to different versions of data storing at different places, causing errors, discrepancies, and a host of other problems. Thus, one single source of data is usually needed for operation. And this would often require integration with other existing systems and ensuring seamless flow of data between them.

For example, your sales teams might need to know about production planning in order to process sales order more efficiently and make informed decisions in time. This results in the integration requirements between CRM and the production planning system.